A3 Picture of Joe Frazier vs Muhammad Ali “Fight of the Century”



On March 8th 1971, in Madison Square Garden, New York, USA. Muhammad Ali “The Peoples Champion” fought “The World Heavyweight Champion” Smokin’ Joe Frazier for the undisputed World Heavyweight Championship. There were no two greater or more determined fighters who ever squared off in the boxing ring. At this time, they were both undefeated in their professional careers and this was the first time two unbeaten heavyweights fought for the championship which added to the pre-fight hype. This battle is known as the “Fight of the Century”.


Round 1 –  Ali didn’t come out dancing like he did before his exile years. He threw his hard-fast jabs catching Frazier but also missing a lot too as Frazier bobbed and weaved relentlessly moving forward catching Ali a few times with his left hook. Ali took charge of the second round throwing his jabs and hard right hands making Frazier bleed inside his mouth. Frazier caught Ali with some wicked body blows.

Round 3 – Ali stepped up the pace catching Frazier with hard right hands marking up his face but with just seconds to go for the end of the round, Frazier threw a big left hook snapping back Ali’s head pinning him against the ropes and delivered some powerful body blows. In the following round Ali scored heavily with thunderous punches to Frazier’s head but Frazier dominated the last part of the round moving forward throwing his big left hooks.

Round 5 – For the first time in the fight Ali was dancing on his toes working behind his jab following up with his crashing right hands to Frazier’s face but Frazier continued to bob and weave coming forward like a human tank. Ali threw some good combinations In the following rounds as Frazier kept coming forward looking to land his big left hook.

Round 8 – Frazier piled on the pressure sticking close to Ali’s body throwing in those thunderous hooks. In the following round Frazier continued to pile on the pressure but got caught with Ali’s jabs and right hands. Frazier caught Ali with a couple of solid left hooks but Ali retaliated catching Frazier with a series of left hooks. The next round was Ali’s. Frazier’s face was swelling getting caught with Ali’s right hands.

Round 11 – Again, Frazier piled on the pressure. Towards the end of the round he caught Ali with a powerful left hook which shook him, his legs wobbled and staggered to the ropes, Ali was in trouble and needed to survive the round.  In the following round Ali made a great come back but both fighters were tired with the fast pace of the fight.

Round 13 – both fighters got a second wind. Ali dominated the first half of the round with some big combinations but Frazier came back sticking close to Ali’s body, throwing short hooks and smothering Ali not allowing him to throw his long-range right hands. The following round was much the same as they both gave it their all. Frazier was strong pressing forward but Ali scored well with his jabs and right hands, by this time Frazier’s face was badly swollen.

Round 15 – Smokin’ Joe Frazier wasn’t smokin’ in this round, he was more like a human fireball. He threw a tremendous left hook catching Ali on his jaw which dropped him to the canvas, but he was up within seconds. Frazier showed no mercy piling on the pressure throwing his big bombs trying to knockout Ali.  The bell rang to end this amazing fight. Both fighters were totally exhausted, they gave it their all. Nobody could have asked anything more from these two. Frazier got the decision and held onto his World Title.


After the fight, referee Arthur Mercante said the following conversation took place inside the ring. Ali tried to psyche out Frazier by saying, ‘You know you’re in here with God tonight’ Frazier replied, ‘If you’re God, you’re in the wrong place tonight.’